Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

And lean not on your own understanding;

In all your ways acknoledge Him,

And He shall direct your paths.

Do not be wise in your own eyes;


These past few days has been testy to say the least. But kepted praying and asking him for strength. Well my prayers have been answer to that part of my worries. As of now i am working 2 jobs. 7 days a week,56 hours a week, 204 hours in a month. I prayed for help with things financially, and he lead me to a 2nd job. Granite its nothing grand, but i am grateful. I went back to food service @ a retirement community. Which im really hoping to gain some insights because i feel like im lacking. Im pretty excited actually.

So, my dad is my hero. Tonight, i read he's files from years ago. This man has been in remission for 15 years from Squamos Cell Carcinoma, Stage-4. They call him a walking miracle. He's battle was actually one of the influence in why i wanted to get into the field of Radiology. As we were talking over dinner, it wasn't anything i have heard before about he's time with that deadly disease. Except, tonight he had shared that he could never get another radiated exam again. For the reason that at that time, the dosage was so extreme they had nicknamed it "megadosage". It came into my mind that i wanted to read he's medical file. So i asked, of course he shared the stack of papers that was neatly put into a manila envelope. I was browsing through it reading every detailed of the diagnosis, the treatments, the effects of he's therapy that will explain why he has the allergens that he goes through now. In amazed of gratefulness, i know i can never be even close to the heroic person my dad is. Words can't even describe how this man is respected by not only me ,my brothers, and my other family members. I just cherish him, not only because of this, nor because he raised us with the thought of all the trials of life that have greeted us, but because he's truly one of a kind. He has that sense of charm that no one can get away from, he's corny jokes, he's funny little laugh when he gets tickled at something. I love my pa, thats just the way it is...


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