Thursday, February 21, 2008


Another unpredictable weather with oklahoma. We're suppose to get an ice storm tonight. Im most definitley am ready for the warm weather. So its been a few weeks since i've lost blogged. Catch you up!

-still working 2 jobs
-rad class im actually very ecstatic about my result of my first test.
-counting down to D.C., 7 more days baby...
-I turned 24..oh geez!
-Medical School possibly?
-Which means, Get cracking on my gpa, classes. This is rediculously annoying on my part!=/
-I still need to learn how to make better choices.
-Keep my feet grounded and finally pay off all my cc's. Im definitley focusing on that at the moment. Im hanging them up. Untill its safe to do so.
-I love god, he's given me the strength to go on and to keep on going when i wanted to just give up.
-my family, who i love and adore. The once that are here and the once up above they are amazing.

oh yeah, did i mention 7 more days till D.C.