Saturday, July 10, 2010

its a one in the morning kind of thing..

I decided to call it an early night. I was at a dongsengs house, whom i've recently met couple of week ago through a mutual friend. Shes quite a character. The girl has alot of spunk, I saw a little bit of myself in her. Anyway, she hosted tonights (becoming a routine this summer) chill night with of course bomb food and games with drinks. I love it, just for the fact that its kicking back. So theres a guy that has caught my eye and after couple of years of not looking at any guys in that way. I've actually thought he was cute. I hardly know this guy with only meeting him the 3rd time tonight. I was actually quite giddy inside. The first meeting was alright, through a friends birthday that actually ended badly. The second, my friend was house sitting and had a little group come over in which there is a 4 month span since the last time i saw him from the first meeting. Well what really gardner my interest was the gentlemen like gesture "hi! Im "-^_^" , helds out hes hand to shake mine. I introduce myself, and had a nice short convo with him. Than tonight, as i was helping one of my friends in preparing some food. I couldn't help but steal glances at this guy and honestly i think he was too. But of course things would always turn like this for me. I heard the two sylablle word from hes mouth "GF", what a bummer..Im laughing it off because " what could of been", could " of been a disatrous" for me. Atleast i know that my concentration didn't stray away from school and work.