Thursday, April 10, 2008


I find it amazing how some people are just compulsive manipulative liars. I can understand little white lies to get you out of trouble, but when it comes down to it, being honest and open about certain things, serious things, no matter how much it may portray your's actually a lot easier to forgive afterward and move on with your life.

It's redundant, it's appalling, and it will continue to hurt people.

I'm constantly searching for the truth, and no matter how much I want to trust, it just doesn't adhere anymore. And the thing about me is that I am one of those people who will bend over backwards and forgive people...and for what? To be hurt again? I bluntly accept people back into my life and go way in over my head to do things that will in the end hurt me. I'm nonchalant, I continue to make the same mistakes, in different stages of my life, and they all hurt just about the same.

The past is the past, but sometimes you need to dig up the bones and come forward before you continue to hurt not only me, but others.

I'm not guilty. I've done nothing wrong.


It's your turn.

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