Monday, September 15, 2008

Back from East Coastin

So my little time spent away to the east has come to an end. I loved most of my time spent there. Three states in 4 days, goodness. I love Greenwhich,CT. It was very quaint. It means alot to see one of my fave relative. Though the condo was tiny, i thought it was very cozy. I felt very at home, but having a good hostess has alot to do with it. I also got to see the rich of the rich. Seriously, it was kick ass. I love my aunts employers house. I love how the train was minutes away to take to the city.

Ny Destination

...mission accomplished.

Something suprising,

-I touched Shakespeare..really!
-finally felt what it would be like if i had that "life"
-not into the hustle n bustle of the city.
-loved SOHO
- Strawberry flavored hookahs, tried it in georgetown..Quite nice.

-Harris Teeters
-strange cab drivers
-Adams Morgan..wowsers
- Ghana Cafe..haha
- Biggest Pizza slice i've ever seen.
-Getting lost in Alexandria, liked it.
-Georgetown,never get tired of it.
-Cafe Asia fun
-Chinatown is so clean, funny homeless people.


-Chinatown Bus to NyC,rather pay amtrak fees or/airfare to get there.
But everyone must experience it..
-Subway isn't for any germophobes.

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