Saturday, September 12, 2009

i am loving this weekend!

Friday -

I took off at job numero uno, I love how i slepted in past 7 am. I can't recall how long it has been since i've done that. Yes i can, it was sometime in mid june before i got job numero 2. I can't remember what i did that day till i had to go in for the other job. But i love it! I should of done some studying. But i know i was not doing that because i was not prepared for my test today.

Today, is another blissful morning. I say blissful since i've enjoyed "Time" today. That is something im always pressed for. Im still trying to learn my time in everything. Although, im ridiculously tired of working 2 jobs. I can't let it go just yet, I also shouldn't give them a reason to let me go just yet. Its my income, its my purse,shoes,travel sugar daddy that provides for all that..hahah
I love these kind of weekends that i seldom ever get now-a-days because i always get these realization of gratefulness. On to other things, i went to the movies, saw nine. I've never seen a cartoon at the movies, this one was very different. It was enlightning,educational, and dark.

Tonight, I went to a benefit event at the casino with my good friends. I decided to go up there a little early to try my luck at the slots. Thankfully i broke even. I would have kicked my self in the ass for losing that kind of money. So we went to the event, Lots,lots and i mean lots of vendors passing out free samples of beer,wine, and food. O-m-g, if you have a sweet tooth you should of went here. Im glad i didn't indulge hahah. Ironically, im not a dessert gal. I did however tried the fondue, and i notice a camera flash and boy was i quick to step back. I was told to go ahead it was going to be publish. Just great! a picture of myself trying out the fondue. Aye.. Oh then there was the burlesque show. I've never seen one until tonight. I must it was quite entertaining. I got a good laugh with my friends, one of the dancers , her tassel on one of her boobies fell off. poor thing.

That was my night, Im feeling REFRESH!

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